Diego Rabatone Oliveira
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
500+ connections
I'm an Engineer, and I have "the Knack". That means I like to understand problems, face…
Articles by Diego
Últimos 9 dias para contribuir com a regulamentação da #LGPD no município mineiro de Curvelo! Já acessou a plataforma #Cominutas para deixar os seus…
Últimos 9 dias para contribuir com a regulamentação da #LGPD no município mineiro de Curvelo! Já acessou a plataforma #Cominutas para deixar os seus…
Liked by Diego Rabatone Oliveira
Universidade de São Paulo
Activities and Societies: Grêmio Politécnico, Escritório Piloto, Orientação Pedagógica, PoliGNU, PoliGen
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Software Carpentry
- Present 9 years 5 months
Science and Technology
Git Instructor on the Software Carpentry hosted on University of São Paulo (https://rgaiacs.github.io/2015-09-10-usp/)
Database Engineering
Escola Politécnica da USP
- 1 year 9 months
Volunteeer modeling a new teaching evaluation system database and process.
Radar Parlamentar
Revista iMasters n.7, Ano 2
Explanation about Parliamentary Radar Project and how to join Scientifical Engineering Knowledge and Tech Knowledge to create solutions to society.
BS, Computer Engineering
Blockchain for Public Policies
- Present
The go-to Vim plugin for python developers.
I started contributing in 2017 and became the maintainer in 2018. -
Who won 2012 elections in Brazil?
I've worked with Estadão's data visualization team during the week before municipal/state elections in Brazil. We designed and built an interactive visualization that shows the growth and decrease of the political parties in the states. How many mayors they got elected, how many people they'll govern, etc..
It's a single-page app built with d3.js. We updated its data while the results were published, live. There were almost 150.000 visits in two days.Other creatorsSee project -
Estadão Dados
- Present
Primeiro entre os jornais no Brasil, o Estadão Dados é um núcleo de profissionais dedicados a capturar e tratar informações usando técnicas estatísticas, algoritmos e formas visuais de apresentação. Além de organizar os dados, o produto final permite, na internet e nos tablets, que os usuários façam suas próprias análises. Para o jornal impresso, gera infográficos de última geração.
Other creatorsSee project -
The Parliamentary Radar
- Present
It's a web application that determinates "similarities" between political parties based on the analysis of voting data of legislative houses.
These similarities are presented in a bi-dimensional graph, in which circles represent parties and the distance between these circles is related to how similar these parties vote.Other creatorsSee project
Honors & Awards
Honorable Mention
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Honorable mention, on the Open Government category, on the 10th Mario Covas Award (2014), promoted by the State of São Paulo Government.
The award was given to the project Parliamentary Radar.
http://www.premiomariocovas.sp.gov.br/2014/pdfs/revista_premio_2014_baixa_resolucao.pdf -
Distinction Award "Excellence in Public Spending"
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Distinction Award "Excellence in Public Spending", in 9th Mário Covas Award (2013), promoted by the State of São Paulo Government.
The award was given to the project Parliamentary Radar.
http://www.premiomariocovas.sp.gov.br/ -
Winner of Hackathon – Dados Governamentais Abertos
Comunidade Transparência Hacker, UNESCO, Parceria pelo Governo Aberto OGP), Governo Federal Brasileiro (Controladoria Geral da União - CGU)
Awarded with the 1st place on the Hackathon of Open Government Data, organized by Hacker Transparency Community, UNESCO, Open Government Partnership (OGP), Brazilian Federal Government (Union General Comptroller - CGU), by the project Parliamentary Radar (Radar Parlamentar).
The prize was given for the implementation of a new legislative house on the project (Federal Senate) and the new faster interface, using d3js. -
2nd Place at São Paulo Municipal Chamber Hackathon
São Paulo Municipal Chamber
Awarded with the 2nd place on São Paulo Municipal Chamber "Hackathon" (Hacking Maraton) contest with The Parliamentary Radar project.
Test Scores
IELTS Academic
Score: 7.5
Native or bilingual proficiency
Full professional proficiency
Elementary proficiency
Elementary proficiency
Hacker Transparency
- PresentHacker Transparency is a open brazilian community that advocates for public transparency, open government data, social participation on governments and related matters.
Co-Founder and Member
- PresentPoliGNU is a Free Culture and Software Studies Group from "Universidade De São Paulo" that advocates for Free Software, Gender GAP on STEM areas, OpenData, Public Data and Public Transparency, among others. Moreover, the group also promotes lighting-talks, programming dojos, workshops, courses and discussion groups relateds to issues like latex, html5, python, opendata, gender gap, etc. We also have started projects like "Parliamentary Radar" and "LibreDWG"
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